"The only good thing to do with good advice is pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself."— Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

The everyday life here

Hello! Goddag! Guten Tag! Bonjour! Welkom op mijn blog!
It is definitely time to make a blog entry, wouldn't you say? Today I want to write about how a normal day here for me works, since I've started to feel that I've settled in.
Every morning I wake up at 6.30 am. I dress, brush my teeth, and make myself pretty. I then make breakfast for myself, I mostly eat heathy cereals like Raisin Bran, because I really hate sweet cereals. I pack my school bag and goes to the school stop were the school bus arrives at 7.30. The trip to the school takes about 15 minutes, but it doesn't feel that long because of the many people on the bus talking to everyone. 

At the school you have about fifteen minutes to walk around and talk with people at the lockers. This really feels very american, but it is nice way to socialize. It was strange for me the first week, because I really didn't have anyone to talk to. But now I do have someone to talk to, and everyone I know greets me in the hallway before the classes, between the classes, and at lunch. 

My first period starts 8.10 in the drama class, where we start listening to the national anthem of Canada (it takes some time to get used to that!) and hearing the morning announcements of the lancers. (The lancers are what we call ourselves at the school.) Drama is a really funny subject.

After drama I'm having foods. This is a class where we not only have to make food, but also learn about proteins, trans fats, vitamins, etc. It is a fun class, where you really are able to enjoy what you are doing.

After foods it is lunch time! I normally sit in the cafeteria, trying to speak with everyone, so that quickly can get to know many people. But is very easy to talk with canadians, they are all very friendly, and I think most people are enjoying that I'm there. (Or what??)

After the lunch time I have Ancient Civilizations. I realized that I wanted a history subject, but definitely not Canadian History, since I don't know anything and I would be LOST in the subject. It is a good subject, but pretty easy for me since I've learn most of it in my elementary school.

In my last period I take Vocal Music. At first I thought I would drop this class because it was too hard, but the people there are so funny, so I thought, well, let's try it! And after 2 weeks, I already feel more secure in the subject, and everything is fine now. Though the homework sometimes can be pretty hard...

Anyways, after the last period I take the school bus home again. I make my homework as quickly as possible, and relax after the school day reading or doing activities with my host parents. I've added pictures to this blog entry that you might want to see.
The School Bus I drive with every day
Drama class, oh Drama Class. Some of my class mates performing 'Scene of Silence' where we had to make the audience laugh, cry, and applaud without speaking in the performance.
My B-E-A-UTIFUL (?) studentcard. 
This is the Canadian version of Jesper Theilgaard, the danish weather reporter. I'm not kidding, this guy Dave McDonald, is on the news every single day!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Petrolia Fair-, Seaplane-, and Demolishing pictures!

This weekend has been amazing! I guess the pictures will tell you everything!

Petrolia Fair - Parade!
Petrolia Fair - Just as in movies. Big pumpkins!

Yes, I got to go on a seaplane! And it rocked!
Up in the air - or is that a movie?
The bridge from Sarnia (Canada) to the US seen from the air.
My friendly pilot and I after a secure flight.
Back to the Petrolia Fair. This is what I call Carcrashing. My hostdad and other Canadians call it Demolishing Derby.

Friday, 10 September 2010


Yesterday I picked my subjects. It was really hard to pick because there was so many opportunities. But I ended up picking Drama, Foods, Ancient Civilizations, and Vocal Music. These are of course all very easy for most of all english-speaking people, but for me who is a proud dane, it is actually a little bit tough. So that is why I picked the easy ones now, and will wait with the hard ones till next semester. I'm in the 11th grade which makes me a senior with the 12th grade. 
Most Canadians has been really nice to me. What am I saying? EVERYONE has been insanely nice to me. I'm not used to people saying "Hi Bella! How are you?" in the hall way.  Or just the fact that you are able to speak with everyone without actually knowing anything about them. You don't have any expectations about them, but can talk with everyone just as you want. 
Right now the only club I'm in is the WWF - WorldWideFriends. It is a club for exchange students and I guess other people who likes cultures, different countries, etc. At november though, the volleyball team for senior girls is starting. I would love being on a volleyball team, because I really, really, really need to exercise in the winter! (I can't run every second day as I do now.)

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Welcome to Canada, Welcome to Petrolia, Welcome to LCCVI!

Hi everyone!
Today was the day of my registration. It all went in a little hurry, I had to get up quite early to be at the school a 7:40 am. I was asked a couple of questions, and we soon figured out that my health record wasn't complete. So Joy and I drove to Sarnia for making a TB skin test. The nurses there were pretty nice and allowed me to continue going to school before I get my result of the test on Friday. (Lucky me!) When I got back my counsellor had found a girl to show me around in the school. She thought it was pretty nice that I have an accent and that I came to Canada from a whole other country. I soon got back to my counsellor who I talked to about which subjects I would like to take. I still haven't got a schedule. The rest of the day I spend with the World Wide Friends people who were pretty nice and I got to be in a class that I hadn't thought about going to, but now when I've tried it, I would like to join. So I will perhaps get that class and my schedule tomorrow when I arrive at the school at 8:00 am. I guess this was about it. 
Cheers for now!

Friday, 3 September 2010

8 days after arrival

Hi everyone and thank you for reading my second blog entry 8 days after I arrived in this beautiful, amazing country. The first few days have been busy and I guess you already have been reading my first blog entry from Canada.

Two days ago I went to the GRAND BEND with my area rep, his exchange student Xavier from Belgium, and Yuki (the Japanese girl.) The Grand Bend is like Canada’s Malibu Beach. The trip took around 45 minutes (I think.) It was a lot of fun, and the lake Huron was quite warm compared to the Danish ocean! 24-Celsius degrees! The sand on the beach was soft and warm, a light breeze dried my hair easily, and we bought an ice cream. There were also plenty of opportunities to buy new clothes; Yuki was the only one buying anything, though. The heat was still amazingly hot.

Today Joy, Yuki, and I went shopping in Sarnia. We were looking for some school stuff before the school starts, and I really needed some things I couldn’t buy in Petrolia. It really surprised me that they didn’t have any main street to go shopping, but you actually had to do it in a mall or in Wal-Mart. So today I finally had the experience to enter a Wal-mart; and it was just as big as in the movies. I can’t really describe it, but it was just… HUGE! Of course there was also a McDonalds in the Wal-Mart, so that the lazy ones are able to order the lunch and get all the shopping done. A thing that scared me though was the rolling wheel chair you could drive in the store. So now the lazy persons could do everything sitting down. I can see the point with older people, but the only people I saw in them was people weighing more than 100 kilos. Scary, eh?

It has rained a bit today and the temperature went down to 24 degrees Celsius. It is a little bit more comfortably for a Scandinavian as me.
Yuki and I in Sarnia next to the American border
Driving back from Grand Bend