"The only good thing to do with good advice is pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself."— Oscar Wilde

Monday, 18 October 2010

Canada, eh?

I promised to make a blog entry about the cultural differences between Canada and USA, and I guess this was the right time to do it. So first of all I would start of with some stereotypes that some americans actually have about canadians:
- Canadians live in igloos
- When you cross the border from the states, there will be snow everywhere, even if it's July
- Everybody in Canada can speak french
- Canadians have bears in their backyard
- I could continue....

All this, of course, is not true. Yes, there is many people in Canada who can speak french because of french immersion or just the french classes in school. Yes, it will eventually snow in Canada, but only in the winter/spring. But no, canadians do not live in igloos with bears in their backyard. Then there is some stereotypes that are pretty much correct: 
- The Maple Leaf is seen everywhere
- Maple syrup is eaten all over Canada
- The fall is a-m-a-z-i-n-g

Canada is not the united states. Yes, there is a lot of american stuff here; Wal-mart, McDonalds, Sears, etc. But somehow even that is turned canadian; but how can you determine that a product is canadian and not imported from it's big brother 'the states'? Well, it is very simple: Every product is in english and french. 
Canadians actually have an accent. If it is in french or english, there is an accent. How can you imagine the accent; Well, think of a mix between british/scottish and american english. When words like House, about, around, is being spoken; I always start giggling because it is sounds so sweet. 
Then there is a difference between the hospitality here and in America and Europe; Canadians attend to open up for more people and are so nice to everyone. (There will, of course, always be strange people.) 
The currency here is a dollar just as in america. But on the dollar; there is the british queen. (Canada is in the commonwealth.) In fact; the dollar bill look far more like the european Euro, than an american dollar. 
Then there is the fact that canadians write in microsoft word in British english. This is because a lot of the words written are more similiar to british than american. As an example, the word colours in canadian are spelled with an OU. In american english it is spelled like: 'Color.'
Canada is divided into provinces and territories, not states as in America. I'm in the province of Ontario, the province with the biggest population. 
Here is some nice pictures from my trip to Stratford (to see Shakespeare's As you like it and for SHOPPING in the school time) last tuesday:

The lake in Stratford

Aria, Myriam, and me (hugging a tree.)

My gosh, it is just so beautiful

Arh! The leaves! (Me and Yvette)
Canada for me is:
I'm not in the United States. I'm in Canada, EH?


  1. Wow, det lyder som om du har det suuuuuuuuper fedt i Canada! :D

  2. Ja, jeg har det super godt. Har ikke den store hjemve som jeg havde frygtet. Men det lyder jo også som om du har det godt. Det er dejligt at du skriver så meget i din blog, jeg følger med hele tiden! Det er næsten som en helt lille dagbog, men det kan du jo også gøre når det er på dansk. Det er totalt udelukket for mig siden mine canadiske venner også følger med her. :)

    Jeg har min egen lille rejsedagbog som jeg skriver i hver aften når en dag er gået. Det er ret dejligt at se allerede nu, det er næsten blevet en helt lille bog med skriblerier på hver side. Når jeg kommer hjem til Danmark bliver det mit kæreste eje!!

    Jeg håber det bliver ved med at gå godt for dig i USA. Her går det super!
