"The only good thing to do with good advice is pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself."— Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

King/Queen for a day

Today was a not-ordinary school day. The day started out with a usual Senior Band practise and  then afterwards I had music. Of course on the announcements they started out playing 'O Canada' and then afterwards they said something like this: "Bella Engberg has won the chair-for-charity contest and we hereby declare her Queen for a Day." (The competition was kinda a lottery I bought tickets for, where a club called Beyond Ourselves raised money for Japan.) It was absolutely hilarious and I turned completely red in my face... haha but everyone clapped in my class. After the announcements my two music teachers made me come down to sit in the middle of the class (the music room is set as a amphitheatre to help the placings of the instruments in the Orchestra.) I got smarties and root beer and a little crown (which I soon took of, haha.) So for the rest of the class, even when I played clarinet, I had to sit there in a comfortable chair. The whole school day people walked around and carried the chair to my classes. It was very funny! I got a refreshment in English class with yet another Root Beer and a bag of chips. 

Unfortunately I do not have any photos from today, but my teachers took some, so I'm sure I'll get a copy somehow or it will be in the yearbook. Instead of a picture I present to you the one and only video of me and my buddy Rachel singing at my Final Performance in Vocal Music back in January. As I like to mess up movies and make them more funny, I tried some things on this movie... but then afterwards I couldn't figure out how to turn it back! So now you'll have to see it in black/white. Another thing is that I feel that I've got a lot better at singing, so do not judge me! I put this up because of some requests and it is only an extract of the whole song because otherwise it'll take years to upload... Due to privacy and such I'm deleting the video in two months ... I think

Just keep your arms open wide

Don’t say no to anyone
But keep your heart safe inside
Don’t let go to anyone
And keep your heart safe from harm
Safe and warm in your hand
And raise above the trials of love
- Tina Dickow - 

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