"The only good thing to do with good advice is pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself."— Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

A surprise trip to Canada's Wonderland

Dear Readers!
Monday I went for the last time to my school. No, not for writing a last-period exam as my other friends did, but to wait for them to get out. For what I wasn't sure; I thought we were going somewhere for my friend Maddie's 18th Birthday. So as I was sitting there in the cafeteria, thinking of the wonderful lunch times I've had there, when my friends started coming over after their exam. "Guess what, Bella and Maddie. You both got tricked. You both thought we were doing a surprise for each other, when in fact we're doing something for both of you."Yes, so I still had no idea what was going on. We started driving, and I realized we had been driving for quite some time - about two and a half hours actually. Then I saw a sign saying: "CANADA'S WONDERLAND." - And I got so happy and excited. My host mum had talked with my friends before and made sure I had enough money for spending with me.

We had an absolute blast there; it was amazing and so much more exciting than Danish theme parks. There were so many more roller coasters, and I loved the cool snoopy theme at one of the places.
I'd say the highlight of the trip was when it got dark at about 9:30 pm and we went to the "Bohemeth," which was the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Canada's Wonderland. When we were at the top I could see all of Toronto around me with its beaming lights in the dark, and I yelled: "I love Canada!" while we came down. It was excellent and a moment to think back on.
There was also a really cool light show in the end that you can see pictures of. I love my friends, they are so awesome that they did this for me. I couldn't have wished for better friends here.

Jenn, me, Lindsay, Maddie at the Maple Leaf flower bed 
First ride on the Bohemeth... scary 
Bohemeth at night... even more scary 
Lindsay and I on a caricature... elves <3 
An amazing light show with sound effects, too
Canadian Snowbirds (airplane show from today) 


is our passion,
in the moonlight,
on a joy ride
Easy living
killed the young dudes,
in the high boots!

It's just the way we feel!


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